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Operation Must Be A Goddess Is Officially In Action!

September 6, 2010

Morning Goddesses!

As a starting point my sister D suggested I write a list of the things I want to change in my life. She explained  that she always uses this method as ‘it’s easier to see the things that make you unhappy on paper’. Since when did this girl start making sense! So guys you heard the girl start writing your list of cons on paper.

List of Crap in My Life

1. Lose weight…four stones to be exact (I’m far to you young to be dealing with the Oprah complex)

 2. Binge drinking (you know it’s bad when your friends have to lure you into coming out by saying ‘Mak there’s a bottle of wine waiting for you’)

'I swear I just had the one drink!' 

3. I want to find a guy that will erase all the beasts and douchebags I’ve been with (sorry boys no offence hee hee)

'Guys you are looking good!' 

4. I want to be cultured and shit (maybe travel around Europe with hippies called Jan and Gustav)

'We're hippies and we love it' 

5. Be spiritual (do a Tina Turner and become a Buddhist methinks)

'Nam Myoho Renge KyoNam Myoho Renge Kyo' 

6. Stop spending money like an Arab wife (enough said)!

'Look girls they are opening a new Chanel store in town' 

7. Learn to keep up appearances even when times are bad (like those socialite wives who know their husbands are cheating on them with the pool boy, but still look amazing!!!)

HUSBAND:Honey I promise it wasn't what it looked like. Ricardo was just getting something out of my eye
WIFE: Just smile for the God damn picture  

 8. Keep putting things off because I’m scared to follow it through. E.g Sky diving, Go on visit India, Wear bright lipstick.

Ok so you get the picture. This list could probably go on forever but now is time to stop talking and start doing.

So here’s the deal I will dedicate each blog about a different aspects of my goddess mission. Be it the best beauty finds , how to budget my monies, rediscovering my home town London and all that jazz. From trying to lose major weight to finding Mr Right something tells me this is not going to be boring.

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